Children's Ministries at Bellevue

Bellevue takes very seriously the command to show children Jesus and to teach them who God is and the amazing things God has done.  We do this as individual families and corporately. Bellevue has a number of different opportunities for children to learn about God and for their faith to develop.

We also want to assure parents that we maintain a safe, clean and fun environment for the kids. All of our volunteers have had a background check and we insist that two adults must be present for each activity.

Some of the ministries that we provide for kids include:

  • Nursery (10:00 am Service)
  • Children’s Church
  • Kingdom Kids
  • Sunday School
  • Club 426
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Christmas Program 
Children's Church

Children’s Church strives to present Biblical truth to children ages 4 yrs old through 3rd grade in a way they can understand. During the 10:00 am worship service, children are able to leave the sanctuary after the children’s sermon and are escorted downstairs to Children’s Church. We will bring the children back into worship during the closing hymn.  Your children are always welcome to stay with you for the entire service.

If you have any questions feel free to contact the church and Kevin Wenrich, Director of Children’s and Youth Ministry, at 717.442.4077.


Kingdom Kids

For Children Ages
Kindergarten through 6th grade
Bible Lessons, Games, Singing, and Prayer
Every Wednesday Night
from 6:30 –7:30

Kingdom Kids is Bellevue Presbyterian’s Midweek children’s ministry for those in kindergarten through sixth grade. We meet each Wednesday night from 6:30-7:30 p.m.  for a fun packed hour of games, singing, prayer, snack, and a Bible lesson.

Kingdom Kids is free and open to the public. A free meal is also available every Wednesday before Kingdom Kids from 5:45-6:30 for the whole family.

If you have any questions feel free to contact the church and Kevin Wenrich, Director of Children’s and Youth Ministry, at 717.442.4077.


Club 426

Club 426 is a ministry of Bellevue Presbyterian Church that seeks to strengthen the faith of our Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Graders while strengthening their friendships. During the school year we meet twice a month. Every month there is one Sunday where we spend time studying the Bible and playing games. The other Sunday alternates between cooking a meal together and activites like bowling, snow tubing, and rock climbing.