Welcome to our Men's Ministry group!

We gather on the first Saturday of each month from 7:30am to 9am in Davies Hall for a morning filled with camaraderie, delicious breakfast, and coffee.  As we embark on the first half of 2024, some of our men are taking the lead in facilitating devotional studies of their choice, providing diverse perspectives and deepening our understanding of God's word. The fellowship is not just about learning; it's a chance to strengthen our bonds with one another, uplifted by the shared love we have for the Lord. We stand as a supportive community, encouraging each other in our faith journeys. Join us as we grow together, both spiritually and personally, on this rewarding path of brotherhood and devotion.

Our latest service project was building a Gaga pit for the youth at Bellevue and our community.  Never heard of a Gaga Pit?  Come on out to our Wednesday evening Eat N Meet and find out. 

Men Service Project– Image 1 of 8